Kimberly Clark Kleenguard G80 Nitrile Chemical Resistant Gloves
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SIZE AVAILABLE : Large / Medium
COLOUR : Green
KIMBERLY CLARK JACKSON SAFETY* G80 NITRILE* Chemical Resistant Gloves provide protection against acids, caustics, bases, solvents and other aqueous solutions. Product, quality and packaging improvements provide enhanced chemical resistance, improved durability and comfort, as well as environmentally improved packaging.
Package Dimensions
Quantity per Pack : 12
Quantity per Case : 5
Kimberly Clark Professional
COLOUR : Green
KIMBERLY CLARK JACKSON SAFETY* G80 NITRILE* Chemical Resistant Gloves provide protection against acids, caustics, bases, solvents and other aqueous solutions. Product, quality and packaging improvements provide enhanced chemical resistance, improved durability and comfort, as well as environmentally improved packaging.
Package Dimensions
Quantity per Pack : 12
Quantity per Case : 5
Kimberly Clark Professional
Inquiry - Kimberly Clark Kleenguard G80 Nitrile Chemical Resistant Gloves